Technische Universität Berlin

Innovation in Engineering Research

The Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin) is a research university founded in 1879. It has become one of the most prestigious education institutions in Europe. The TU Berlin is a member of TU9, an incorporated society of the largest and most notable German institutes of technology and of the Top Industrial Managers for Europe network, which allows for student exchanges between leading engineering schools. The TU Berlin is home to two innovation centers designated by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology. The university is known for its highly ranked engineering programs, especially in mechanical engineering and engineering management.

Student Story|Georgette Tso, MechE '19

Georgette Tso, MechE '19

This summer I  had  the  opportunity  to  work  at  TU Berlin’s  Control  Systems  group.  They also  help  to rehabilitate paraplegic patients through a technique called   Functional   Electric   Stimulation   (FES).   FES sends controlled electrical  impulses  to  paralyzed muscles  to  stimulate  them  to  move.  This can  help paraplegic patients prevent muscle atrophy. It is also the technology used in the lab’s tricycle. It was an honor to work to help those who have suffered spinal cord injuries  and  a  great  opportunity  to  explore Berlin  and  other  cities  around  Europe!  I had very memorable visits to other MIT students in Edinburgh and  Paris.  Thanks MISTI Germany for making  all  of this possible!

I learned that working and living with others is important to me.  I enjoy studying, learning, working independently but really  value  having others  who  are  doing  the  same  in  my company. It motivates and inspires me. In my opinion it accelerates everyone’s progress   because   people   can   share knowledge, skills, and experience. For this reason I will continue to value   the   opportunities   for   group collaboration  in  research  and  course projects at MIT!

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Student Story|Samuel DeLaughter, EECS PhD '21

Samuel DeLaughter, EECS PhD '21

TU Berlin is one of Germany’s best research institutions, particularly for Computer Science.  They have a wealth of invaluable data that I was able to use in my research, and the head of my group there, Anja Feldmann, is one of the world’s premiere scientists working in the field of Internet Measurement.  She and the other members of her group were all very welcoming and incredibly intelligent, and made coming to work each day a pleasure.

My internship was very directly related to my former and future research work at MIT.  In fact, before he started his faculty position at TU Berlin this summer, my supervisor was a postdoctoral student in my group at MIT and sat at the desk next to mine.

The work we did together in Berlin was in the same vein as our work at MIT, just with more of a tilt towards Internet Measurement instead of Internet Security.  I developed a much deeper appreciation of the importance of measurement studies during my time there – both through our research and through my conversations with other members of the group – and plan to steer my research at MIT a bit more in that direction going forward.

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